Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Art of Milking and Wrestling Cows

I know I haven't been keeping up on my blogs very well lately, so here's an update of my past week.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Haunted Cementary and Biscuits

I will explain the biscuits eventually... All in good time!

But for your entertainment, a little dog selling his wares at the Fringe festival.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Video Number Two!

I realize that I have promised a great deal of things in the past week. But I feel that I can deliver on one thing: A mini video of my campus!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It's not the promised living arrangements video... But if you're still interested in seeing some of Edinburgh, then by all means, I'm not stopping you!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Suprise Visitation

We had an unexpected visit to my school today. You probably can't guess who it is, so I'm just going to leave you in suspense....

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First day of "Classes" and Walmart Withdrawl

You ever have those days when you say to yourself "I need (insert any item here) and then you head to Walmart and get said item? Well, you can't do that here. Here, you say "I need (insert item here). In what store could I find (item)???"

This does occasionally happen where people start speaking to themselves and it still looks crazy here...

Friday, August 5, 2011

Take Off, Landing, Extreme Tiredness, and Edinburgh Castle

Hopefully I will cover everything I've done since the last post with pictures included and the title is the quick synopsis of everything so far. So read on for more or just take it at face value and give up on all my lovely pictures (most of which are just going to be on Facebook anyways).

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Going, Going....

I leave in about one hour! I think I have all that I need in 2 checked bags(one that is "my mother's" and the other that is mine.) and all that is about left is my laptop and the directions to the airport.

Good bye to all! I'll see you on the other side (via skype so get an account if you don't have one already... hint hint) and good bye U.S. with all of your problems!! I saw all the sights worth seeing yesterday ;) and can now leave. Thanks for the send offs everyone!

I'm also going to work on learning Scottish Gaelic. I tried learning some last night via a new CD but I realized this is one of those languages that don't sound the way they look (there's extra letters which I suppose is what they do over there) so I can't promise anything beyond 'yes.'

And now I have to go. I have to chase down my brother and hug him before we leave. :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

The First Ever!

Hello everyone and welcome to my traveling blog!! :) For those who haven't heard, this is where I'll be posting updates on what I've been up to recently while I am studying out at school (I promise to leave book reading and taking notes out of Things I've been Doing)

(Click the What Else??? below in order to see the rest of the entry!)